New Parry Gripp Music Video
I've been working on this on and off for the past year but it's finally done. It's a bit of a throwback from Space Nachos quality-wise but I wanted to aim to look more like my old work, since Raining Tacos did so well over the past couple years.
Right now I'm busy finishing up my last college quarter. I'm graduating next month so pretty soon so I'll have a lot more time to animate. I've been looking for jobs lately and once school is over I'm probably going to have to open commissions and maybe start a Patreon. If Patreon works out, I'll be pumping out a lot more original stuff. I don't have a lot of faith in Patreon so most likely I'll have to make my original stuff in my free time. Hopefully I can find a way not to completely fall off the face of the internet. I'd really love to keep making my own stuff, and it's been a long while since I actually have as well, but life is startin' up for me so I'm really not sure what's gonna happen.
I'll still occasionally post art or music here on NG, collaborate with other animators, and maybe post a couple animations but I doubt they will be anything amazing. So to conclude this boring update; I'm not dead, I'm just a little dead.
Hope things go well on the Patreon front, always love your original stuff / contributions to other peoples' stuff!
Thanks Tom!